Wednesday 23 September 2009

Little joys of of Journey called life

Been away from action for a long time now, presumably preoccupied with other more mundane activities of life called "JOB". However i took a break and visited India over the long weekend in Singapore and that inspired to me to dump it all down here.

Well its Sept in India and Monsoon is waning off, however the sun still shines brightly and when it does the humidity is indeed overwhelming. One such afternoon i went out for a walk to get some cash from nearby ATM. Seeing the huge queue in front of the lone SBI atm at this place called "Adra" i decided to take a detour and buy some banana's (come on i am still a young monkey at heart). Soon i was sweating profusely and so i rushed back to ATM machine to get some temporary relief at ATM (which is air conditioned and works as well !!!). Thankfully the queue was less by this time and i was able to get some momentary relief. Couple of transactions later it was time for me to be back on same sapping streets.

Why was i feeling this hot when everyone around seemed perfectly at ease with the surroundings? Was it that after staying out of india for better part of last 2 years i was finally getting out of touch with realities of India and slowly turing into "NRI" the dreaded "Non-Returning Indian" i always hated? maybe and maybe not and so i decided to a reality check.

On returning home i promptly took a shower and asked mom "Is it really too hot out there or i have really become a foren babua?" To which she replied "Nono.. its actually very hot wait till your dad is back even he is gonna crib today" So taking heart from the response i decided to skip the afternoon siesta to watch a romantic Drew Barrymore movie. Halfway into it it became really unbearable and believe it or not mom and dad (post his cribbing about heat and power cuts) were sound asleep and looked pretty comfortable. Mind you even after much insistance mom simply refuses to buy into my argument to get an AC installed. "Let me not spoil my habbit in a country like India with erratic power supply" is her standard reply. And so there i was huffing and puffing out in heat which seemed to target me (foren victim) specifically and relentlessly.

Finally at about 4:00 in evening I started to feel better.... and before i knew it there was a sudden gust of wind which tore into the home threatening to tear away all the curtains. Wow what a feeling it was i grabbed keys to my favourite scooter and went out to roam the streets returned fully drenched in rain with a smile on my face. How many of such evenings have i missed out in singapore where this is a dialy phenomenon !!! i mused to myself.

Joys of life probably come in little packets.. like the raindrops of Indian rain.